Avoid the Fines

Benchmarking and Energy Audits

Stay up to date with changing laws while increasing your profit.

Technologies That Help Your Business Work Better

Many states in the US already have laws requiring commercial buildings >35,000 square feet to benchmark energy usage. Many more states have passed laws requiring the same, which go into effect in 2025.  As a result, some of these states are now beginning to fine commercial building owners who are using too much energy. These fines are considerable and are making their way across the country.

We can help you benchmark energy usage and reduce it, so you can avoid the fines while increasing your profit.

About Benchmarking and Energy Audits

Consult the map below to check if any of the recently passed laws are going to require you to benchmark your energy usage in larger buildings. 

State and Local Building Performance Standards

Some areas of the country, like Denver and  New York City (local law 97) have laws that fine building owners who use too much energy, based on their benchmark (energy use vs size per industry.)

CryoGenX4, in many cases, will satisfy the reduction requirements and allow you to avoid the fines. These avoided fines can amount to half the project cost, allowing you to save millions with a one-year payback and no money out of pocket. With our 200 technologies to pull from, we can absolutely easily help you audit, benchmark, and reduce energy usage. This satisfies the benchmarking requirement, removes fines, and increases your profit. 

There is no downside.

Our licensed professional engineers have more than 3000 ASHRAE level II and Level III audits completed to date across the country.

Energy Audits and Projects Across the Nation

Check out all of the project sites that we've worked on over the years.

Energy Audits Across the Nation Map

What Our Clients Are Saying About The Service

Dear EET TEAM, as ever, you all are wonderful to work with, many many appreciations to you. Thanks for completing the audit and recommendations 2 weeks early to meet our grant application deadline. Our customers truly appreciate how thorough and professional you are in explaining why effective energy efficiency measures will help the bottom line of their business as well as the environment.

Rita Cruise

Energy Program Manager Natural Capital Improvement Fund

Reduce Your Carbon footprint

Ready to be Energy Efficient?

Reach out and see how a partnership with EET can help you reduce your carbon footprint while increasing your profit. 

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Energy Efficient Technologies
400 East Pratt Street, Suite 800
Baltimore, MD 21202

800-344-8132 (Office)

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