Typical Rooftop Cooling System Layout
Parker convenience stores are located in 60 locations in the South. These types of operations struggle with energy efficiency due to the large HVAC systems they must run constantly – and due to the opening and closing of doors, the temperature in the stores fluctuates greatly.
Another drain of energy are the refrigeration units that help keep drinks and other perishable items at the correct temperature. Of course, these units must also run on a constant basis.
EET partnered with the manufacture on a project on two of these stores to show the effectiveness of implementing an energy conservation measure (ECM) into the HVAC and refrigeration systems -CryoGenX4.
The goal of the project was as follows:
The results for the two stores involved in the project were as follows:
Grant’s IGA Supermarkets, West Virginia, Virginia Helping a family owned and operated grocery store: Grant’s Supermarket in Appalachian West Virginia and Virginia has been family-owned and operated...
Cogent Communications, Somerville, MA Overall cooling and energy performance in a data center is crucial. Without the proper temperature, systems can overheat and fail, causing major disruptions and...
In Logan Township, NJ, Dr. Schar owns and operates a 50,000 sq. ft. industrial bakery that requires large quantities of energy to precisely control the mixing, rising, baking and freezing of its...
Energy Efficient Technologies
400 East Pratt Street, Suite 800
Baltimore, MD 21202
800-344-8132 (Office)