For HVAC, Refrigeration, Freezer, and Reefers
☑️Reduce your overall electricity bill and Scope 2 carbon footprint by 8-20%
☑️No money out of pocket required
☑️Directly increase profit (net operating income)
☑️Return on investment is typically 400%-1000%
☑️Savings every year for the life of the equipment
All of this equipment (with exception of magnetic levitating bearing chillers) has a known, internationally documented problem that causes systems to lose up to 35% efficiency. This directly increases your Scope 2 carbon footprint and costs you up to 35% more to operate and maintain. As soon as brand new equipment is turned on, it begins to lose efficiency over time—costing you more and more to operate every year.
There are over 6.1 billion oil-lubricated HVAC, refrigeration & freezer machines in the world today, with an additional 151 million new HVAC machines purchased and installed every year.
Approximately $30 billion dollars a year is spent on new commercial refrigeration & freezer systems annually.
There are 500,000 Refrigerated Trailers in service in the United States, with an additional $5 Billion dollars spent every year on new equipment globally.
Discover how much you can save with Energy Efficient Technologies by completing our savings calculator. When you complete the form, you'll receive a personalized savings estimate and an opportunity to meet with us for an introductory discussion. Start now to uncover your potential savings and benefits!
Energy Efficient Technologies
400 East Pratt Street, Suite 800
Baltimore, MD 21202
800-344-8132 (Office)