Increase Your Efficiency
Technologies That Reduce Your Energy Consumption
Energy Efficient Technologies has worked with clients that represent a wide array of industries – from restaurants to warehouses and beer distribution facilities. Each client wanted the same thing: to reduce their energy consumption and save money, especially during their utility company’s peak production hours.
Regardless of the industry your business is in, energy consumption plays a vital part in determining profit level, operating expenses, and overall financial performance.
We have helped our clients accomplish their goals and reduce their energy demands by working with them to review their operations and energy needs.
The next step in the process was to focus on the parts of the operation where energy was being wasted. This included reviewing not only the machinery, but the work habits of employees, along with operating procedures that needed to be updated and refined.
One client we worked with was a restaurant chain in Maryland. Their energy demands were continuing to increase, and their busiest hours of operation tended to coincide with days that brought extreme temperature. This put a strain on their energy consumption – cooking equipment, HVAC demands, and making sure their freezers and walk-ins operated at industry-standard temperatures.
Energy Efficient Technologies met with the owners and made several adjustments, including:
Of course, every client is different, along with their needs, when it concerns demand reduction.
With more than 30 years of experience, EET can create a customized solution for virtually any operation.
“I am always getting more money back in a shorter period of time than anyone expected…it’s so easy for me to monitor how much money I saved…and the technology & systems are just so awesome, you can’t ask for better.”
Director of Facilities
Reduce Your Carbon footprint
Ready to be Energy Efficient?
Reach out to see how a partnership with EET can help you reduce your carbon footprint while increasing your profit.
Energy Efficient Technologies
400 East Pratt Street, Suite 800
Baltimore, MD 21202
800-344-8132 (Office)