First Hawaiian Bank

Energy Efficient Technologies tested HVAC optimization now in the fourth patented generation called CryoGenX4 products in Oaha.

Summary Results
The electricity bill is made up of three components: energy, demand, and power factor penalty costs. It was recognized that the energy usage for these chillers is significantly less on weekends compared to any other day of the week. There were also isolated days of limited chiller usage during the baseline period due to necessary maintenance being conducted where the data was not valuable. Thursdays were the days most affected by these maintenance interruptions. On those specific days there is not enough baseline and post data to produce a high level of confidence in the accuracy of that data so they were removed from comparison. This is shown in the daily energy usage figure below. After separating the data into a day-by-day comparison and then averaging them together, an overall reduction in cost of 21.4% was achieved. A reduction of 21.5% (16.1% when including weekends) was found on the kWh energy usage, the demand (kW) was reduced by 12.7%, demand (KVA) was reduced by 18.7%, the average power factor increased by 16%, the capacity of the chillers increased by up to 18% and the key performance measurement of kW/ton (cost per each ton of cooling produced) decreased by 11.84%.

Figure: Daily Energy Usage for Two Chillers

The following tables list the values for the baseline and post period. These values give a percentage of overall reduction for energy, demand, current and the increase in power factor.

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